大家有看《進擊的巨人》嗎? 日本舉行的 NicoNico 超會議 3 上,設置了立體機動裝置體驗區塊,到場民眾能夠成為第 2525 期的訓練兵團 一員,挑戰自己的平衡感,進而挑戰難度更高的立體機動裝置。如果大家有看過《進擊的巨人》的話, 一定知道什麼是立體機動裝置, 大家...
企鵝將飛行池袋的天空,企鵝們將於池袋的SUNSHINE CITY水族館的主要設施之一, 環形水族箱登場! SUNSHINE CITY水族館示全世界的海洋與熱帶森林的生物,包括魟魚、太陽魚、青蛙、蛇、企鵝、海豹與水獺。水族館位於太陽城複合商場的世界進口商場大樓10樓。上午10
(ネクタイを頭に巻く) 不知大家有可否留意到, 日本的上班族是很喜歡喝酒的, 到喝醉的時候都會綁領帶在頭上,已經變成一種日本傳統文化~ 但到底是哪裡來的想法? 把領帶解開也可以塞口袋或是公事包, 綁頭上的是有什麼意思? 這個行為是日本人實際上是真的會這樣做,還是只是電視上有呢...
2015年9月26日 星期六
Scotland run riot in second half to rout Japan 45-10 at Rugby World Cup
Japan were unable to make it two Rugby World Cup wins in four days as they went down 45-10 to Scotland in Pool B at Kingsholm on Wednesday.Forced into a four-day turnaround and with potential match winner Amanaki Leilei Mafi stretchered off in the 44th minute, Japan played bravely but were never able to repeat the magic of their historic win over South Africa on the opening weekend.
On a mild day in this rugby mad town, Japan had to start well to win over the neutrals in the crowd and stop the Scots-who were playing their first game in the tournament-in their tracks.But tiredness and nervousness-two traits missing against the Springboks-seemed to haunt the Brave Blossoms early on.Handling errors from the likes of Michael Leitch and Fumiaki Tanaka and a missed kick from Ayumu Goromaru were evident of that. And with the pack-not to mention Kotaro Matsushima, who was sent to the bin for a professional foul-getting on the wrong side of referee John Lacey the Scots took full advantage.
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