2016年2月8日 星期一

日本建世界第一高樓?/ The new world’s biggest skyscraper

英國《每日郵報》報導“,將是世界第一。世界最高建築迪拜哈利法塔的風頭可能要被搶走了!原因是日本打算建造一座將近1700米高的大樓,比828米高的哈利法塔高出一倍多。天空英里塔” (Sky Mile Tower),高近1700米,如果建成!

The new structure, currently called the Sky Mile Tower, will be in Tokyo and will measure in at around one mile high.According to Architectural Digest, the mega-tower should house around 55,000 people – roughly the population of Kidderminster.

《每日郵報》報導,這座大樓名為“天空英里塔”(Sky Mile Tower),是日本著手打造的未來派超級城市“下一個東京”(Next Tokyo)的中心建築物。這座大樓設計成六邊形,從而使抗風能力達到最強,預計可容納5.5萬人。大樓內有購物中心、飯店、酒店、健身房和健康診所;電梯不局限於垂直移動的直梯,還有能夠水平移動的“橫梯”。開發者稱,新城市預計將於2045年竣工,用於抵禦地震和颱風等自然災害帶來的影響,有望容納50萬希望離開災害頻發的沿海地區居民。

In Japan, officials decided to launch an initiative called “Next Tokyo,” where architects would create a futuristic mega-city that is adapted to climate change in the year 2045. Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates and Leslie E. Robertson Associates joined forces to propose a vision for a new city in Tokyo Bay. Their design incorporates elements that improve the bay’s preparedness for natural disasters (such as earthquakes and typhoons) as well as a mile-high residential tower and a public-transportation-friendly district.

