去年日本發起這個AV女優摸奶的募款活動,去年共吸引5597人參與,並募得510萬日幣,募款所得全都拿來對抗AIDS(愛滋病)的捐助金。由於這活動在去年辦得相當成功,主辦單位在今年全力推動,將於東京新宿再次舉辦~「24時間テレビ エロは地球を救う2014」又準備開始
每年一到這栗子代表的秋天,日本就會趁機推出各種栗子商品,最近又這麼多人去日本觀光, 如果大家要到日本的話, 大家可以看看日本方面的《10種美味栗子甜點》介紹, 這些集中在東京都能買到的栗子甜點,也很適合拿來當伴手禮送人呢!現在和大家看看~
伊勢神宮位於三重縣伊勢市,正式名稱是“神宮”,為了區別其他帶有“神宮”字樣的神社而俗稱“伊勢神宮”,不過在日本如果單純說“神宮” ,仍專指伊勢神宮。無從從歷史還是從權威上來說,伊勢神宮在日本都擁有至高無上的地位。神宮的主體建築是供奉天照大神的“皇大神宮”和供奉掌管天照大神衣...
秋葉原之前有"陪睡屋",現在有現役高中女生經營的「打屁股屋」完全不收費的服務~這個充滿謎團的"打屁股屋"是這3位高2女生組成的, 最主要的營業項目就是無論男女免費讓陌生人打屁股 !! 只要拿起紙扇來朝屁股打去就對~ 他們會不露臉的方式出...
Canal City Hakata is a shopping and commercial district which opened in 1996. It includes shopping malls, cinemas, theaters, hotels, and ...
2015年9月25日 星期五
New iPhone 6s hit stores worldwide
The new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus hit stores on Friday, with dozens of people — and a robot — queueing in Sydney to kick off a global sales cycle that will be scrutinized for signs of how much juice Apple Inc.’s marquee product has left.Analysts expect 12 million to 13 million phones to fly off the shelves in the first weekend, up from more than 10 million last year when the hugely successful iPhone 6’s launch was delayed in China, the world’s biggest smartphone market.
Among the first to pick up the new iPhone 6s in a cold, rainy Sydney was a telepresence robot named Lucy, operated by marketing executive Lucy Kelly.“I obviously have my work and other things to attend to and can’t spend two days lining up so my boss at work suggested I take one of the robots down and use it to stand in my place,” she said via an iPad mounted on top of the wheeled robot. “I love new gadgets. The new camera is meant to be amazing.”
Fans from San Francisco to London to Sydney have camped out for days prior to the release, and Apple said earlier this month that pre-orders suggested sales were on pace to beat last year’s first-weekend performance.Apple’s flagship iPhones generated nearly two-thirds of the U.S. giant’s revenue in the latest quarter. First released in 2007, the iPhone is Apple’s best-selling device to date.
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