East Japan Railway Co., better known as JR East, said Wednesday it will replace the existing E231 series trains with the newly developed ...
四角やハート型のスイカ、都内の果実店が販売 在炎熱的夏天,許多追求趣味性的日本人願意花上“重金”,把一個個方形、心形甚至是金字塔形的西瓜捧回家,擺在咖啡桌上當藝術品欣賞。日本果農把西瓜放在壓克力材質的模子中,使西瓜成長後成為特定形狀。儘管這些有獨特形狀的水果價格十分昂貴,...
伊勢神宮位於三重縣伊勢市,正式名稱是“神宮”,為了區別其他帶有“神宮”字樣的神社而俗稱“伊勢神宮”,不過在日本如果單純說“神宮” ,仍專指伊勢神宮。無從從歷史還是從權威上來說,伊勢神宮在日本都擁有至高無上的地位。神宮的主體建築是供奉天照大神的“皇大神宮”和供奉掌管天照大神衣...
秋葉原之前有"陪睡屋",現在有現役高中女生經營的「打屁股屋」完全不收費的服務~這個充滿謎團的"打屁股屋"是這3位高2女生組成的, 最主要的營業項目就是無論男女免費讓陌生人打屁股 !! 只要拿起紙扇來朝屁股打去就對~ 他們會不露臉的方式出...
2016年5月7日 星期六
Luxury sleeper train / ななつ星
Kyushu Railway is resuming tours on a luxury sleeper train following last month's deadly earthquakes in southern Japan, which closed part of the route. The Seven Stars restarts service Saturday with revised routes, after service was suspended April 16 amid continuing aftershocks.
The "cruise train" takes passengers to tourist destinations on the island of Kyushu. Two-day, one-night trips are available on weekends, with a four-day, three-night tour offered from Tuesday to Friday. Both options had offered sightseeing around Mount Aso. But parts of the Hohi line, which runs past the volcano, were heavily damaged by debris slides and remain closed indefinitely. As an alternative, JR Kyushu will offer a bus trip to the city of Yanagawa as part of the four-day option, with dining at a restaurant famous for its eel cuisine.
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