2016年4月19日 星期二

Sharp 推出機器人手機

Sharp 宣佈於5月26日推出機器人型手機「RoBoHoN」。售價21萬3840日元。不僅具備通話和簡訊等基礎功能,還可直立行走以及進行人工智慧對話。被鴻海收購之後,Sharp 意在通過新一代家電RoBoHoN東山再起。大家有沒有興趣購買這一部機器人手機呢?

RoboHon: Sharp debuts a tiny cute robot that doubles as a smartphone
If you have always wanted your very own personal robot, you will soon get your wish. Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp has showcased a prototype robot that doubles as a smartphone at the Ceatec electronics show in Makuhari Messe, Japan.

Sharp 官網等處開始接受預定。用戶需另外按月支付使用費。此外,Sharp 將作為虛擬運營商提供移動通信服務。預計RoBoHoN的月産量為5000部。機器人工程師、東京大學尖端科學技術研究中心特聘副教授高橋智隆與Sharp 共同研發了RoBoHoN。只要説出「拍照」,RoBoHoN就會自動用頭部的攝像頭拍照或錄像,還可將拍攝的影像投射到牆上。

The robot is named RoboHon, which amalgamates the Japanese words for "robot" and "phone" together. It stands just under 20cm tall and features a camera and a projector on its head, as well as an LCD screen on its back. It also comes with a mic, speakers and a facial and voice recognition system. The tiny, adorable robot was demonstrated on Tuesday 6 October by Sharp during a press conference and was able to respond to voice commands and make a call to a contact, take a photo, display the photo through its projector on to small and big surfaces, and even do a little dance.

