2016年4月14日 星期四

熊本強震 九州新幹線停運 熊本城城牆倒塌

熊本で震度7の地震 津波なし
日本九州熊本縣,發生黎克特制6.5級強烈地震,整個九州都感到震動。日本氣象廳表示,震源深度約十公里,不會引發海嘯,其後發生多次餘震,最強達5.7級。有震區民眾表示,地震持續約三十秒,導致牆壁及天花倒塌,玻璃窗破裂, 兩死一百傷,最少50傷多間屋倒塌。全國有20多個縣有不同程度震感。

Big earthquake hit at Kumamoto Pref. of Kyushu 
A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5 struck southern Japan on Thursday, but there was no danger of a tsunami or any immediate reports of casualties or damage.Japan's Meteorological Agency said the quake hit at 9:26 p.m. (1226 GMT) and was centered in the Mashiki town in the Kumamoto prefecture.


Footage on Japan's NHK national television showed a signboard hanging from the ceiling at its local bureau violently shaking. Kasumi Nakamura, an official in the village of Nishihara near the epicenter, said that the rattling started modestly and grew violent, lasting about 30 seconds. "Papers, files, flower vases and everything fell on the floor," he told a telephone interview with NHK. He said there were aftershocks. The extent of the damage is not immediately known.

