今年年初,日本廠商NEC再次亮相了採用可折疊雙屏設計的雙核智能機MEDIAS W N-05E,而據日本媒體消息,這款歷時兩年的奇葩手機將會在本週首發開賣。 消息稱,日本運營商NTT DoCoMo決定在4月18日開始發售折疊雙屏智能手機NEC MEDIAS W,而前期僅有黑色版...
大家喜愛日本的動畫嗎?如果要選一首最愛動畫歌曲,大家的選擇是什麼歌曲呢?近日,日本投選最愛動畫歌曲! 投票者主要是10歲以上至30幾歲的日本男女,總共人數6,956人(男性3,819人、女性3,137人)現在和大家一起聽聽五大動畫歌曲吧!
日本動畫《進擊的巨人》紅爆日本,2015年會有真人版。最近有一個汽車品牌,就用了《進擊的巨人》做廣告宣傳,這次是用真人拍攝的,可以說比電影更為快出現的真人版。日本早上的電視節目ZIP做的特集報導~真人版感覺果然跟動畫不一樣,有點恐怖, 大家看看吧~
Sony 旗下的平板電腦業務一直都不理想,而且更傳聞她們出售有關業務,但是 Sony 一口否認。日本當地最近傳出有跡象顯示 Sony 可能會退出平板市場。當新平板電腦沒有推出消息,目前仍在發售的 Xperia Tablet竟然停止出貨!不知道大家手上的Xperia平板是否最...
2016年4月8日 星期五
日本沙拉蛋糕受追捧 / 'Salad Cakes' contain NO sugar, fat or batter
日本一家小餐館會推出一款“沙拉蛋糕”。該蛋糕雖然有著蛋糕的外形,但其主要原料是蔬菜,所以含有很少或幾乎不含糖、脂肪等,因此廣受人們喜愛。“沙拉蛋糕”源自日本食品造型師Misuki Moriyasu的創意。這是不含糖和脂肪的,大家有興趣品嘗一下嗎?
Everyone, at least once in a while, eats a depressing homemade salad, whether at their desk in work or from the confines of their own kitchen.But a new cafe, in Naygowa, Japan, hopes that people would find a plate filled with wilting rocket and tomato slightly less depressing if it looked like a beautiful cake. Food stylist Misuki Moriyasu first came up with the idea for so-called salad cakes (which are basically salads that look like cakes), and her idea has been so popular that a cafe selling them, The VegieDeco Cafe, is slated to open this month.
How a salad cake works is that basically in lieu of traditional icing, the cakes are glazed with either tofu or cream cheese, before they are blended with vegetables to make them look like frosting.
The cakes may look devilish, but they are in fact extremely healthy - simply speaking, they are nutritious salads disguised as tasty cakes. The cakes contain whole vegetables in them, while the 'sponge' part of the lunch is created using natural ingredients like soybean flour.
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