2016年4月17日 星期日


正所謂團結就是力量,每當日本發生大地震互相守望精神就發揮出來! 近日,熊本發生大地震,日本Airbnb 和アパマンショップ立即推出了不少0円住宿,目的是可以讓無家可歸的災民提供住宿!免費住宿不少是直至4月20日,希望所有受影響的災民很快便可以重返家園~

Airbnb Japan urges hosts to provide free stays to Kumamoto quake evacuees
People in Kumamoto Prefecture without a place to stay after the major earthquakes of April 14 and 16 may find free lodging through the Airbnb accommodation introduction website, after the firm began asking its roster of hosts on April 15 to open their rooms to disaster evacuees. Those willing to provide free accommodation to evacuees can click on the "I can offer my space for free" button on the right to register or offer their property. Both buttons direct to a page to enter further details.

Airbnb Inc. is an internet-based service that connects those looking for lodging to hosts letting rooms in private homes or empty apartments. A company public relations representative commented, "This is the first time (such an effort) has been launched in Japan. We hope that people will learn about it and decide to get involved -- even those in other prefectures."

