2016年4月16日 星期六

(速報)熊本再發生7.3級地震 熊本機場關閉 阿蘇山噴火

日本九州再發生7.3級強烈地震, 造成最少9人死亡, 760人受傷, 廣泛地區受到破壞。是次地震在當地凌晨1時25分發生, 熊本縣及大分縣內不少建築物及橋樑倒塌, 路面塌陷, 有近80人據報被埋在瓦礫中。熊本縣東北的南阿蘇村發生嚴重山泥傾瀉, 村內一棟住宅大樓受破壞, 大樓內有11人受困,熊本機場受損關閉,所有航班停飛。

Japan's Kumamoto rocked by magnitude 7.3 earthquake
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck southern Japan early on Saturday, killing at least 11 people, injuring many more and bringing down buildings, media reported, just over a day after a quake killed nine people in the same region.

地震後, 九州有19萬2600戶停電, 熊本市就有10萬5000戶停止煤氣供應. 日本政府增派1萬5000名自衛隊員協助救災,阿蘇火山就在當地早上8時30分發生小型噴發, 冒出濃煙. 而九州及四國的核電廠, 未有異常情況. 今次地震震央在熊本市附近, 震源深度大約10公里. 氣象廳一度發出海嘯警報。首相安倍晉三舉行緊急救災會議,他表示,已指示相關部門與各地政府,加強情報交流,準確評估災情,並為民眾提供避難資訊,強調自衛隊會盡全力搜救。

Authorities warned of damage over a wide area, as reports came in of scores of people trapped in collapsed buildings, fires and power outages.Saturday's tremblor triggered a tsunami advisory, although it was later lifted and no irregularities were reported at three nuclear power plants in the area, a senior government official said. People still reeling from a magnitude 6.5 quake on Thursday poured onto the streets after the Saturday quake struck at 1.25 am.A fire erupted in a what appeared to be an apartment building in Yatsushiro city, while some people were trapped in a nursing home in the town of Mashiki。Japan is on the seismically active "ring of fire" around the Pacific Ocean and has building codes aimed at helping structures withstand earthquakes.

