2016年2月16日 星期二

京都公佈針對遊客的19項禁忌 / Behave, foreigners! List of manners in Kyoto


Akimahen means Do Not in Kyoto! This is a list Don'ts for travellers to Kyoto! Kyoto City has worked with TripAdvisor to create "AKiMaHen (Don'ts) of Kyoto," a leaflet aimed at visitors.The leaflet is topped with an illustration of five grumpy-looking Kyotoites captioned, "Kyotoites are pretty fastidious!"Please take a look if you wanna travel in Kyoto

1. 不可邊走邊抽煙
    Don't smoke outdoors
2. 不可未經舞妓許可拍照
    Be polite when asking maiko for pictures
3. 不可自行開關的士車門
    Taxi doors open and close on their own
4. 不可亂丟垃圾
    Don't Litter
5. 不用附小費
    Say okini instead of tipping
6. 不可在餐廳訂座後不出席
    Don't cancel restaurants at the last minute
7. 不可自攜飲料進入餐廳
    Don't bring your own drinks and foods to a restaurant
8. 不可穿鞋踩入榻榻米
     Take your shoes off before stepping on tatami
9. 不可插隊
     Please line up in an orderly way
10. 不可酒後騎自行車
      Don't bicycle under the influence
11. 不可隨手碰觸民房
       Refrain from touching old buildings and objects
12. 不可並排走路
      Make room for others
13. 不可隨處停放自行車
      Don't leave your bicycle on the road
14. 保持洗手間清潔
      Keep toilets clean
15. 不可佔用優先座
      Let those who need it have priority seating
16. 請勿在地鐵軌邊拍照
      Don't take pictures near train tracks
17. 請勿在神社 / 寺廟大聲說話
       Try to be quiet and respectful in shrines and temples
18. 請勿戴帽子或太陽眼鏡進入神社 / 寺廟
      Remove hats and sunglasses in shrines and temples
19. 要注意標明禁止攝影和禁止閃光的神社寺廟
      Don't take pictures when prohibited in someareas in shrines and temples

