去年日本發起這個AV女優摸奶的募款活動,去年共吸引5597人參與,並募得510萬日幣,募款所得全都拿來對抗AIDS(愛滋病)的捐助金。由於這活動在去年辦得相當成功,主辦單位在今年全力推動,將於東京新宿再次舉辦~「24時間テレビ エロは地球を救う2014」又準備開始
07月29日~2013年08月04日 日本唱片銷量(Album) 今個星期Top 10有5張新上榜的大碟, 他們是マキシマム ザ ホルモン,THE YELLOW MONKEY ,高見沢俊彦 & BENIetc 這麼多的新唱片上榜可看得到日本的競爭真的很大, 這星期第...
被日媒冠上4000年一遇的是來自SNH48的費沁源(ユェンユェン),她在2014年12月初於劇場女神的公演中正式出道,雖然資歷尚淺,但她的可愛貌似“跨越”了國界,迷倒“島國”一片。其實她是中國女孩但在走紅日本!費沁源所屬隊伍是TEAM XII。她於2015年7月25日的SN...
相信曾經到過大阪道頓堀的朋友也有一兩張相片是跟「奔走男」合照的。誰是「奔走男」1935年起就在大阪道頓掘河岸邊出現,目前已經傳承五代的著名地標招牌「固力果奔走男」,因為原看版老舊需重新更換的因素,暫時於今年 8 月 17 日吹熄燈號,而在這段維護的空窗期,將由演出過《魚干女...
(Sina)最新發行的《周刊實話》雜誌報導稱,長澤雅美臉部被打腫,可能是遭受男友伊勢谷友介家暴讓人擔心。 《周刊實話》雜誌報導稱,長澤雅美被交往男友伊勢谷友介強迫進行暴力性愛,面臨懷孕危機。以前《周刊文春》雜誌也曾曝光伊勢谷友介對前女友家暴。據一位電影作家透露:“伊勢谷友介確...
2015年9月2日 星期三
Logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was scrapped
Kenjiro Sano, whose logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was scrapped Tuesday, stood by his design but said he decided to retract the logo because he felt his design did not have the support of the public and was marring the image of the Tokyo Olympics.
“I swear my design did not involve copies or plagiarism,” Sano, 43, said in a statement on his website late Tuesday. “Any attempt of suspected copying or plagiarism should never be permitted.”
He apologized to artists and other involved parties over some of his works unrelated to the Olympic logo, while blaming some media for giving him a “bad image” and reporting “as if all of my designs were copies.”
“I made the decision (to retract the logo) after judging that it is difficult to let this situation continue, to protect my family and staff from persistent attacks and bashing over the ruckus,” Sano said, adding that the privacy of his family has been breached with their pictures exposed online. The latest suspicion surfaced over the weekend, when he was alleged to have taken a photo from someone else’s website in materials used in Olympic logo presentations, including one at its launch, apparently without permission.
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