The organizing committee of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games has disclosed 4 sets of candidates for the emblems of the event.T...
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北竜町ひまわりの里(Sunflower field in Hokuryu town)農夫們在歐洲研修旅行之際,因為看見了向日葵田的這個契機,而有了將它當作健康食品去栽培這樣的想法。雖然原本是為了栽培向日葵花油,但是現在轉型為觀光資源。在23公頃的田地裡,約有150萬株的向日...
由京都動畫擔綱製作的原創電視動畫《FREE! 男子游泳部》,預計在今年夏季推出動畫第二季。官方網站今(1)日公開了 15 秒的電視廣告宣傳影像。《FREE! 男子游泳部》作品以架空的小鎮「岩鳶町」為舞台,描述一群高中男生為了想要游泳而創立游泳社,進而努力參加比賽的的青春物語...
大家喜愛日本的動畫嗎?如果要選一首最愛動畫歌曲,大家的選擇是什麼歌曲呢?近日,日本投選最愛動畫歌曲! 投票者主要是10歲以上至30幾歲的日本男女,總共人數6,956人(男性3,819人、女性3,137人)現在和大家一起聽聽五大動畫歌曲吧!
2015年9月2日 星期三
Logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was scrapped
Kenjiro Sano, whose logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was scrapped Tuesday, stood by his design but said he decided to retract the logo because he felt his design did not have the support of the public and was marring the image of the Tokyo Olympics.
“I swear my design did not involve copies or plagiarism,” Sano, 43, said in a statement on his website late Tuesday. “Any attempt of suspected copying or plagiarism should never be permitted.”
He apologized to artists and other involved parties over some of his works unrelated to the Olympic logo, while blaming some media for giving him a “bad image” and reporting “as if all of my designs were copies.”
“I made the decision (to retract the logo) after judging that it is difficult to let this situation continue, to protect my family and staff from persistent attacks and bashing over the ruckus,” Sano said, adding that the privacy of his family has been breached with their pictures exposed online. The latest suspicion surfaced over the weekend, when he was alleged to have taken a photo from someone else’s website in materials used in Olympic logo presentations, including one at its launch, apparently without permission.
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