2015年8月15日 星期六

(Update) 櫻島火山或大噴發

噴火警戒レベル4…急激な地殻変動観測 気象庁
如果大家最近會到日本旅遊的話,記得要留意一下~原因是日本鹿兒島市核電廠附近的櫻島火山 , 可能大規模噴發 , 當局把警報由3級限制進山 , 提升至4級準備疏散, 是櫻島歷來首次.政府在首相官邸的危機管理中心, 設立資訊聯絡室, 並召開會議商討對策.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has raised the warning level to an unprecedented 4 for Mount Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan and asked residents nearby to prepare to evacuate due to increased volcanic activities on Saturday morning.

氣象廳說, 今早7點開始 , 以櫻島為震源的地震頻密發生, 顯示火山膨脹的地殼變動幅度增加 , 可能噴出大量碎石, 氣象廳呼籲做好疏散準備.日前先至重啟的川內核電站, 距離櫻島約50公里, 安全受到關注 , 但電力公司表示, 無出現異常 .

Mt. Sakurajima is one of Japan's most active volcanoes and erupts almost constantly. But a larger than usual eruption could be in the offing, an official from the agency said, adding "there is danger that stones could rain down on areas near the mountain's base, so we are warning residents of those areas to be ready to evacuate if needed."

