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名古屋テレビ塔にて『SAKURA TOWER BY NAKED』が開催 名古屋電視塔 / (名古屋テレビ塔 )作為日本最早的集電波發射的鐵塔,被登錄為國家有形文化財產。高達180公尺。從距離地面100公尺的空中展望台可以眺望鈴鹿山與伊勢灣。夜晚在絢爛燈光點綴下的電視塔是首...
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2015年8月5日 星期三
Record 11,672 heatstroke victims
A total of 11,672 people were taken to hospitals by ambulance due to heatstroke in the nation from July 27 to Sunday, the biggest weekly total since comparable records began in 2008, and 25 of them died, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency said Tuesday. The report shows preliminary figures.There have been 55 deaths since April 27, when this year's observations began.
The number of people ferried to hospitals during the week exceeded that of the previous record week, July 8-14, 2013, which saw 11,427 people hospitalized.Tuesday marked the fifth consecutive day on which temperatures hit or topped 35 C in central Tokyo, the longest such period on record.By prefecture, Tokyo recorded the highest number of heatstroke patients with 1,095, followed by 989 in Aichi Prefecture and 805 in Saitama Prefecture.
The number of heatstroke sufferers taken to hospitals was twice as high as that of the equivalent week last year, or 5,712, and people aged 65 or older accounted for 48.7 percent of the total. Of the deaths, three people died in Aichi Prefecture, and two each in Saitama, Wakayama and Yamaguchi prefectures.On Saturday, 223 observation points nationwide noted an extremely hot day on which the mercury rose to 35 C or higher, marking this year's largest number, and 2,571 people were ferried to hospitals.
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