2015年8月30日 星期日

マザー牧場 / Mother Farm

Mother Farm (母親牧場)是日本知名的牧場,佔地250公頃的寬闊園區內,不僅有綠意盎然的草地,隨著四季更迭的花朵,還可以看到許多可愛的動物。當然在這裡也可以體驗騎馬、擠牛奶等活動,另外也有許多有趣的表演節目,如牧羊犬表演等。牧場內有兩處花田,春天有油菜花的鮮豔黃色隨風搖曳,秋天則是鼠尾草紅色迴廊染紅大地。

The Mother farm was founded by Mr.Hisakichi Maeda who started Sankei Shinbun Daily Newspaper and Tokyo Tower.His parents lives in suburbs of Osaka and were so poor that his mother often said, "if we had just one more cow, our life would be so much more easier."Her words had always stuck on his mind and he felt stock-raising industry will be necessary in the future lives of japanese.

