2015年8月26日 星期三

國營日立海濱公園 / 国営ひたち海浜公園

正在準備日本賞楓之旅嗎?介紹給您更特別的景點喔!位於茨城縣的国営ひたち海浜公園(國營日立海濱公園),在每年10月中旬,遍地的掃帚草將呈現紅通通毛茸茸的奇景! 是不是很特別又可愛! 記得也要列入賞楓景點~ 如四季花朵的天堂樂園,遠方靜靜佇立的摩天輪,營造出一種童話故事的氛圍。

Hitachi Seaside Park~ Covering an area of 190 hectares, the park features blooming flowers around the year. The park has become known for its baby blue-eyes flowers, with the blooming of 4.5 million of the translucent-petaled blue flowers in the spring drawing tourists. In addition to the annual "Nemophila Harmony", the park features a million daffodils, 170 varieties of tulips, and many other flowers. The park includes cycling trails and a small amusement park with a Ferris wheel.

