(聯合新聞網) 金曲獎即將開獎,節目一改過去,未找外籍藝人上陣表演,但典禮不失國際觀,製作單位東風邀劉德華、郭富城等巨星演唱會現場導演、視覺動畫大師等,砸千萬打造金曲舞台,新片「破案天才伽利略:真夏方程式」主角福山雅治受邀任頒獎嘉賓,為典禮添星光。福山雅治除了演技受肯定,他的...
日本女星綾瀨遙擁有傲人F奶,不過當她成為國民女演員之后,要看她穿比基尼真是難上加難。剛滿30歲的綾瀨遙,為宣傳和長澤雅美、16歲新星廣瀨鈴的新片《海街diary》,近日推出全新寫真集《SEA STORIES Haruka Ayase》,還遠赴義大利西西裏島取景~
名古屋テレビ塔にて『SAKURA TOWER BY NAKED』が開催 名古屋電視塔 / (名古屋テレビ塔 )作為日本最早的集電波發射的鐵塔,被登錄為國家有形文化財產。高達180公尺。從距離地面100公尺的空中展望台可以眺望鈴鹿山與伊勢灣。夜晚在絢爛燈光點綴下的電視塔是首...
秋葉原之前有"陪睡屋",現在有現役高中女生經營的「打屁股屋」完全不收費的服務~這個充滿謎團的"打屁股屋"是這3位高2女生組成的, 最主要的營業項目就是無論男女免費讓陌生人打屁股 !! 只要拿起紙扇來朝屁股打去就對~ 他們會不露臉的方式出...
大家喜愛日本的動畫嗎?如果要選一首最愛動畫歌曲,大家的選擇是什麼歌曲呢?近日,日本投選最愛動畫歌曲! 投票者主要是10歲以上至30幾歲的日本男女,總共人數6,956人(男性3,819人、女性3,137人)現在和大家一起聽聽五大動畫歌曲吧!
2015年8月19日 星期三
All aboard the Evangelion Shinkansen
Over the past few years, we’ve seen Japan Railways, Japan’s largest rail operator, embark on a spurt of posh train building, with coaches that feature gold leaf accents, split-level suites, and relaxing foot baths. This fall, though, JR West will be launching a train that dials back the luxury while pumping up the awesomeness in the eyes of anime fans with the Evangelion Shinkansen.
It’s been 40 years since the completion of the Sanyo Shinkansen Line, which runs primarily along the southern coast of Japan’s main island of Honshu and connects the cities of Osaka and Fukuoka. Coincidentally, it’s also the 20th anniversary of the initial TV broadcast of landmark anime series “Evangelion.” Seeing as how they’re both marking milestones this year, JR West and Eva decided to celebrate together by teaming up for the Shinkansen Evangelion Project.
“Evangelion” creator Hideaki Anno and mechanical designer Ikuto Yamashita put their creative minds together and came up with the 500 Type Eva, a 500 Series Shinkansen train that takes its styling cues from the anime’s Evangelion Unit-01. Starting this fall, the 500 Type Eva will be making two runs along the Sanyo Shinkansen Line. In the morning, the Kodama 730 train will depart Hakata at 6:36 and arrive in Shin Osaka at 11:14 a.m. Soon after, the Kodama 741 will pull out of Shin Osaka at 11:32, reaching Hakata at 4:07 in the afternoon.
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