2015年8月8日 星期六

發表10年 《Final Fantasy XV》明年上市

Final Fantasy 15 CONFIRMED For 2016!
PS4/Xbox One 知名角色扮演遊戲系列新作《Final Fantasy XV》總監田畑端現身最大歐洲電玩展 Gamescom ,他在現場接受外國媒體訪問時透露,玩家將可以期待在 2017 年之前就玩到,也就是說明年 2016 年就將推出《Final Fantasy XV》。發表10年, 大家有興趣嗎?

Final Fantasy XV Director, Hajime Tabata, has confirmed to GameSpot that fans can expect to play the game before 2017, indicating the game will be released in 2016.Asked about when Square Enix release plans to reveal the release date, Tabata replied: "At the very least, I can tell you that it isn't going to be released this year. I think we'll be able to tell you when we're making the announcement around PAX Prime, at the end of this month."

SQUARE ENIX 此次在 Gamescom 展出,除了現場提供《Final Fantasy 零式 HD》、《勇者鬥惡龍 英雄集結》、《Final Fantasy 探險者們》、《Final Fantasy XIV》等作品供玩家遊玩外,特地打造大型攤位以 XV 的主角諾克特年幼時期依偎在他的父王肩頭樣貌的主題圖案來主打宣傳《Final Fantasy XV》。

Pressed on how Tabata and his team plan to reassure fans struggling to remain excited after such a long development process, especially given the lackluster announcements coming from Gamescom, Tabata admitted the showing may have left fans wanting, and offered his sympathy.

《Final Fantasy XV》原本是《Fabula Nova Crystalls Final Fantasy XIII》計畫一環,2006 年發表時名為《Final Fantasy Versus XIII》,2013 年 E3 宣布更名為正統代數的《Final Fantasy XV》,平台從原本的 PS3 獨佔改為 PS4 / Xbox One 跨平台,此次在 Gamescom 公開了最新宣傳影片「黎明」。

