如果大家有留意日本卡通角色的話, 都會知道有不少角色是和食物有關的~ 越來越多以食物為主題的動漫角色或是吉祥物誕生,外型可愛當中存在著不少看起來就很好吃的角色。而goo請網友們來票選十大,從動漫角色和吉祥物中,最讓大家覺得美味甚至想吃一口的角色~
東京希爾頓飯店內的「 Maeble lounge hilton 東京」,提供豪華的甜點吃到飽,是非常有人氣的吃到飽餐廳,因此總是充滿用餐的人潮。特別推薦的是,使用當季水果製成的甜點,不只外觀漂亮,味道也非常可口。一邊優雅的喝茶一邊享受點心;現在和大家看看吧!
2015年7月12日 星期日
Chinese bulk shoppers cause delays at Narita
Narita Airport has seen numerous delays in flight departures due to Chinese tourists whose carry-on luggage exceeds size restrictions after they embark on last-minute shopping sprees.Narita International Airport Corp., the airport's operator, is urging passengers to make sure that their predeparture purchases do not exceed baggage allowances.
Each airline sets its own rules on the size and number of items that can be taken on board.However, the airport's operator has undertaken its own measures, such as posting signs in both English and Chinese near large items in shops, warning that their purchase could push them over the carry-on size limit.The company also calls for passengers to notify airlines in advance if they have oversize cabin baggage.
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