日本製藥商久光製藥日前發佈的2016年3~5月財報顯示,其非處方藥業務增至115億日元,同比增長12.9%。主要受入境消費需求的推動。久光製藥的明星産品撒隆巴斯鎮痛貼系列被當做去日本必買的「神藥」之一,目前的受捧熱度依然不減。 撒隆巴斯鎮痛貼系列在日本國內的主要客戶為勞動群...
日本從北海道至沖繩,全國都有各種觀光名勝。如果問大家最不常去的縣的話, 大家的答案會是什麼縣呢? 其實要想走遍所有的都道府縣可不是件容易事。近日,日本某網站便對“一次也沒去過的縣”進行了調查。現在不如看看日本人最不常去的縣頭五名是什麼吧~
今年年初,日本廠商NEC再次亮相了採用可折疊雙屏設計的雙核智能機MEDIAS W N-05E,而據日本媒體消息,這款歷時兩年的奇葩手機將會在本週首發開賣。 消息稱,日本運營商NTT DoCoMo決定在4月18日開始發售折疊雙屏智能手機NEC MEDIAS W,而前期僅有黑色版...
鳴門渦潮 (鳴門の渦潮/ なるとのうずしお) 位於四國的鳴門海峡,每日數次潮起潮落,大量的海水從瀨户内海流入太平洋,又從太平洋流入瀨户内海,海峡間快速的水流同海峡兩邊的瀨户内海與太平洋的平穩水流,形成了鳴門渦潮(鳴門漩渦)。世界聞名之大漩渦~大家會否前往看看呢?
2015年6月11日 星期四
The rise of Japan's middle-aged male virgins
In Japan, with its well-publicised decline in marriage and birth rates, the existence of middle-aged virgins is so prevalent that a specific term - "yaramiso" - has been coined to refer to them.A growing number of tailor-made activities have now sprung up, such as Virgin Academia, which offers the sexually uninitiated lectures focusing on how to establish healthy relationships. Set up by the non-profit organisation White Hands, it also offers activities such as nude life drawing classes.
Among the "virgin" students at a recent art class was Takashi Sakai (41), a heterosexual male who, with his respectable job and charming smile, appeared to be a far cry from the stereotypes of social misfits."I've never had a girlfriend," he said "It's never happened. It's not like I'm not interested. I admire women. But I just cannot get on the right track."
Mr Sakai is clearly not alone. As many as one in four unmarried Japanese men aged 30 and above were virgins, according to the latest statistics, compiled in 2010.The issue of men not having sex is the tip of the demographic iceberg in Japan, home to a population that is famously shrinking and ageing at a rapid rate due to a decline in marriage and birth rates. At first sight, the lack of sexual activity among a growing number of male Japanese may appear at odds with a society saturated with sexual images, from television and manga comics to city billboards.
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