2015年4月18日 星期六

日本麥當勞 關閉131家門店 / McDonald's to close over 130 outlets

The top executive of McDonald's Holdings Japan says the company will close a total of 131 restaurants and ask 100 full-time employees to retire early.

麥當勞日本控股公司業績不斷惡化,為了進行經營重組~在日本國內約3100家店鋪中,將在年內關閉131家門店,同時募集約100名自願離職者,佔全體員工的約3%。麥當勞日本社長卡薩諾瓦16日在東京舉行記者會,致歉未能充分滿足顧客的期待,為明確經營者對業績惡化的責任,將把包括自己在內的董事半年的董事薪酬減少10~ 20%。

Sarah Casanova, President and CEO of McDonald's Holdings Japan, told reporters on Thursday the company will post a net loss of more than 300 million dollars this year. That's a record loss for the firm and will be the second straight year in the red.Casanova said she'll take responsibility for the poor performance by cutting her monthly salary by 20 percent for six months.McDonald's Japan has suffered double-digit sales declines for nine months in a row. Last July, it found that a supplier in China had used expired ingredients.

