2015年2月7日 星期六

日本機械人酒店 / The world's first robot hotel

Henn-na Hotel, Japan: The world's first robot hotel to open in July
位於日本長崎的豪斯登堡主題公園,即將於7月17日開業一家全部以機器人為主題的Henn Na酒店。全面配備來自KOKORO公司研製的仿真型機器人Actroid,穿著歐式女僕裝的美麗仿真Actroid不但會以日式英語像來賓親切地問候“How may I help you”,還能夠主動為你提行李,泡上一杯香濃溫暖的咖啡。

Guests checking into a new hotel close to the Japanese city of Nagasaki this summer may find themselves complaining that the service is just a little .... robotic.With due cause. In a paradigm-shifting development, the hotel in question, the Henn-na Hotel, will be partially staffed by what are termed "actroid" androids – remarkably human-like robots who will be able to greet, carry luggage to rooms, make cups of coffee – and even smile.


Actroid androids have been developed by Osaka University and manufactured by Kokoro, a branch of the company that licenses Hello Kitty. First unveiled in 2003, the model has been steadily refined with the current generation consisting mainly of robots that have been given the features (and mannerisms) of a young Japanese woman who, in addition to speaking (in Japanese, Chinese, Korean and English), will be able to make hand gestures, reciprocate eye movements (and no doubt gauge moods).

Henn na酒店共計兩層,將有72個房間向公眾開放,在這間酒店你可以提前邁向未來,體驗到人類與機器人共存的情景究竟如何。目前即可通過預訂,酒店單間標價為每晚7000日元,雙人間為每晚9000日元。在“旺季”你可能會需要通過競拍才能獲得房間,競拍上限為每晚14000日元。

