2015年2月20日 星期五


「100円朝食」/ ちょうしょく【朝食】
近年來, 不少日本大學為了令更多學生養成食早餐的習慣, 推出了不少價格便宜的100日元早餐~日本大學的早餐除了便宜之外,質素之高可以說是讓人羨慕不已。今天和大家看看日本大學100日元早餐的賣相是怎樣吧~

When was the last time you spent 100 yen on breakfast and felt satisfied? Sure, your dollar menu Sausage McMuffin tasted good, but after hitting your stomach like a greasy, calorie-laden brick, did it really keep you going until lunch? Prepare to be jealous of the following parade of filling breakfasts purchased at Japanese university dining halls, each for an unbelievable 100 yen.

