2014年11月15日 星期六


用手機拍一下就能辨別是真貨假貨? 現在山寨貨的技術越來越精細,有些所謂的「A貨」甚至到了難辨真偽的地步。如果用肉眼無法確認一個商品的真偽,或許可以靠技術來幫助我們,日本 NEC 就打算把每一隻智慧型手機變成最佳的「照妖鏡」,只要用手機照一下,山寨貨就可以無所遁形。

Finding fake goods could become a question of simply taking close-up photos with a smartphone, according to a new NEC technology.The electronics maker has developed an authentication system that compares images snapped with a phone with those in a cloud-based database. Images of the authentic product from the manufacturer would need to be registered beforehand.

根據PCWorld 的報導,NEC 正在開發一種名為「物件指紋」(object fingerprint)技術,這個技術可以將各種產品的材質細節影像資訊存儲在雲端資料庫,比如金屬材質、塑膠紋理等等,這些細節通常都是肉眼看不見 的,透過將這些細節影像儲存在雲端,而使用者只要拍一張產品的照片並上傳至雲端,系統會自動與雲端資料進行比對,從而鑒定真偽。

The "object fingerprint authentication technology" is the first such system in the world that can identify individual objects, according to the company.The know-how makes use of fine patterns in the grain of metal or plastic that occur naturally during manufacturing and are invisible to the human eye.

NEC 公司宣稱,這種「物件指紋認證技術」是世界上首個可以識別單個物體的系統,除了鑒別產品真偽,它還能夠用於追蹤和管理工業元件的來源以及分佈情況。儘管系統精準度還是要取決於實際的材質,但 NEC 表示他們測試的錯誤率低於一百萬分之一。

The system can be used to find pirated goods, to trace the origin and distribution through the marketplace of authentic goods and to manage components in industrial applications such as maintenance and repair work, making sure they're being used correctly.

當然這種技術的弊端也是非常明顯的,它依賴於微距鏡頭才能保證採樣影像的細節。在之前東京的一場示範中,NEC 的工作人員就使用了一種他們自己開發的 3D 列印微距鏡頭元件安裝在智慧手機上,然後拍攝某奢侈品品牌包包的拉鍊頭以及螺絲,借助手機 App 進行雲端資料庫的資訊比對,系統很快就識別出包的細節並確認了其真實性。

The technology, which can also work with tablet cameras, allows for objects to be identified at low cost and without special processing, according to NEC.The accuracy of the system depends on the material in question, but NEC said its tests on bolts yielded an equal error rate (EER) of less than one in 1 million. The EER is an accuracy measurement used in biometrics in which lower figures suggest more accurate devices.

NEC 表示普通智慧手機的微距鏡頭附件也可以配合它們的APP來測試,但他們研發的自家產品效果會更好,公司也計畫將這種微距鏡頭開放販賣. NEC 中央研究實驗室的高級經理 Toshihiko Hiroaki 表示,「物件指紋」技術實際上是 NEC 原本在生物識別領域的計畫而抽出來的,NEC 希望在目前生物識別技術領域停滯不前的大環境下,可以開拓新的商機。

