East Japan Railway Co., better known as JR East, said Wednesday it will replace the existing E231 series trains with the newly developed ...
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秋葉原之前有"陪睡屋",現在有現役高中女生經營的「打屁股屋」完全不收費的服務~這個充滿謎團的"打屁股屋"是這3位高2女生組成的, 最主要的營業項目就是無論男女免費讓陌生人打屁股 !! 只要拿起紙扇來朝屁股打去就對~ 他們會不露臉的方式出...
今年夏季,15 週年的日本環球影城以「玩得過頭」作為主題,推出了一系列企劃。在「UNIVERSAL JUMP SUMMR」中,《龍珠 Z》以 4D 劇院為基礎,推出了以 CG 動畫結合 4D 娛樂設施的「龍珠 Z:THE REAL 4D」。讓觀眾能夠藉由這次環球影城所推出的...
【手機詳細規格一覽表】 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ┌● 手機型號簡稱: docomo N-08D (MEDIAS TAB UL) ├● 手機製造廠商: NEC CASIO ├● 手機形狀設計: iPhone式平面觸...
2014年9月4日 星期四
Sony 推出 SmartWatch 3 及 SmartBand Talk
Sony SmartBand Talk and SmartWatch 3 hands-on
除Xperia Z3 之外,Sony 同步發表兩款全新的智能配戴式裝置,分別是搭載 Android Wear 的 SmartWatch 3,以及配備 E-paper 螢幕的 SmartBand Talk。SmartWatch 3 及 SmartBand Talk 均將於秋季推出。
The SmartBand Talk is one of two newly announced wrist-based wearable devices unveiled by Sony at IFA 2014 in Berlin.The band offers both a flexible style and life logging abilities. The feature that sets the SmartBand Talk apart however, is the ability to use it to take calls. With a built-in microphone and speaker that offers HD Voice support, there is no need to miss calls if your phone isn't directly to hand -- as long as it's paired to a phone in your pocket.
SmartWatch 3 採用全新設計,看上去跟 Samsung Gear 2 neo 有點似,走輕巧路線,機身主要以塑膠製成,配備1.6” 320×320 TFT LCD 螢幕,內置 4GB 容量,支援 IP68 防塵防水功能,並採用 microUSB 當充電接口。
A curved, alway-on E-ink display perches on top of it and the battery will fuel it for three days, Sony claims (and we'll be testing in our review). As well as having different coloured bands and cores, it will also be waterproof the highest market standards.
至於 SmartBand Talk,則是另一款更為有趣的產品,由之前的 SmartBand 發展而來,加入 1.4” e-paper 螢幕,兼容 LifeLog 並同樣支援 IP68 防塵防水,而且手帶上設有收音咪及喇叭,除了可以用來講電話之外,亦可對手機下達話音指令。
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