2014年6月7日 星期六

美少女戰士Crystal 7月全球放映

Sailor Moon Crystal" is set to air in Japan on July 5 and will be simulcast worldwide

To the excitement of fans across the globe, the long-awaited (and briefly-delayed) "Sailor Moon Crystal" finally has a final air date as well as a brand new trailer. A reboot of the beloved 1992 Japanese animated TV show, "Sailor Moon Crystal" is set to air in Japan on July 5 and will be simulcast worldwide. The trailer shows the "Sailor Moon" protagonist, teenager Usagi Tsukino, getting ready for school before transforming into superhero Sailor Moon and introducing her fellow Sailor Scouts.

新版的主題曲是由桃色幸運草Z(ももいろクローバーZ)演唱,以及創造《進擊的巨人》動畫主題曲的Revo作曲,代替初代的主題曲「ムーンライト伝説」~ 一句代替月亮懲罰你,喚起不少人童年回憶,睽違20年,美少女戰士再推全新動畫,一樣是金木水火土五位仙子,現在就連手中的變身器具都被做成了化妝品,月光仙子的變身蜜粉盒、唇膏還有指甲油,周邊商品吸引小女孩目光,而新版美少女戰士雖然被嫌太瘦,其實是根據原本漫畫繪製而成,跟整形一點關係也沒有。

