2014年5月25日 星期日


阪急阪神控股集團,以外國遊客為對象,正在提供「HANKYU-HANSHIN WELCOME Wi-Fi」這一免費公共無線LAN的服務。在阪神電鐵的整個87個站以及總共157個關西地區的各站與幾個商業設施內都可以使用。詳細請確認以下網站!會到日本的可以看看這個無線LAN的服務~

讓外國遊客可以享受到自由上網的環境,阪急阪神控股集團從12月21日(週六)起,以外國遊客為對象,開始了—HANKYU-HANSHIN WELCOME Wi-Fi—這一免費公共無線LAN的服務~只要通過簡單的認證手續,在阪急電鐵,阪神電氣鐵道的各站以及阪急阪神集團的商業設施內都可以使用這一免費無線網.而且,購買「阪急全線乘車券」或者「阪神全線乘車券」的遊客,可享有一日無限次使用此網絡的待遇.因此,前來阪急沿線・阪神沿線觀光的遊客

HANKYU-HANSHIN WELCOME Wi-Fi starts from Saturday, December 21. This is a free public wireless LAN service that provides a comfortable internet environment for foreign tourists. A simple certification procedure allows you a free connection to the internet at each station of Hankyu Corporation and Hanshin Electric Railway, or at the group commercial facilities. In addition, those who purchased "HANKYU TOURIST PASS" or "HANSHIN TOURIST PASS" can get preferential treatments, such as using as you like all day. Please feel free to use this service if you have a chance to visit these spots.


